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At Simply Sabuni NYC we wholeheartedly believe in all of the nutritional value that reaps from the benefits associated with all of the hand-picked ingredients in our handcrafted soaps and other skin/hair products. Using pure ingredients are always milder, healthier, and gentler on the skin.
Pure essential oils, herbs, and other natural ingredients have been used since the beginning of time. Some ingredients that I used have been used to heal a multitude of ailments hence why I choose to use them today. I've attended Cosmetology School (LIBS) in 1998 and Esthetic and Makeup School (Christine Valmy) in 2018 along with a tremendous amount of research - I must make this disclaimer.
The content and information provided on this web site, my blogs, videos, and other materials are for educational purposes only.
Our soaps, shampoos, and other products are meant for you and your skin to enjoy. The information provided has been collected from various sources to inform you about the possible benefits of herbs, essential oils, and other natural ingredients when binding together, offering healing properties. The insight provided should never be used to self-medicate or treat any form of physical or mental disease and or health problem.
My products are not a substitute for medical care.
The statements regarding health-related ingredients and the benefits have not been evaluated by the FDA and are no way intended and should never be misconstrued as medical advice to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or health condition. Never disregard medical advice - over something that you've read on my site.
If you suspect that you have a medical condition, have a medical condition, pregnant or on certain medication, please contact your PCP before using any of our products.
If you have any allergies or sensitivities to any of the ingredients in our products, they may cause irritation. Even natural ingredients can cause sensitivities, every person is different and we cannot guarantee that you will not have a reaction.
People with severe allergies, please note: If you have any anaphylactic-type reactions to any of our products, please discontinue use. We urge that you do a patch test prior to using any new products.
Simply Sabuni NYC is not responsible for any individual's reactions to any particular ingredients. Each product description completes a full list of what's in each product.
Using all-natural ingredients in our fresh handcrafted products is healthier, and more effective for your hair and skin. However, we must make this disclaimer:
The content found on this web site is for informational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our soaps and hair care products are meant for your bathing/grooming pleasure. Information provided has been collected from other sources to inform you about the possible benefits of herbs, essential oils, and other natural ingredients.
The information provided is not meant to substitute the advice provided by your PCP or other health professionals. Do not use the information found within this web site to self-diagnose any medical conditions or treat any health problems or diseases. Please consult your qualified health professional should you have any concerns.
If you are pregnant, please contact your physician before using any of our products - especially the ones with essential oils.
Simply Sabuni NYC is not responsible for any individual reaction to any particular ingredient. Each product description on our website includes a complete list of ingredients. People with sensitivities to any listed ingredient should not use the product. In case you are in doubt or have sensitive skin, always try an allergy patch test and if at any time irritation occurs, discontinue use of the product.
We sell sample size products so that you can try an item before purchasing the full-sized product. *All of our products are for external use only.
Soap Weight - As all of our soap is handmade and individually hand cut, please be aware that some of the weights from bar-to-bar vary in size. Although, we try and stay as close to the possible weight bars may vary slightly.
Images- The images are for reference only. Products are hand made using natural ingredients. Please allow for color differences in your finished products.
For longer-lasting soap bars – Do NOT allow bars of soap to sit in water. After use, place in a nice dry area.
Lastly, Simply Sabuni NYC is not responsible for any damage resulting from the use of any product on our web site. By purchasing items on our site you are fully aware of our disclaimer and agree that you're using our products at your own risk.
All product reviews reflect the actual view of our clients and do not imply or represent any claims by Simply Sabuni NYC. This notice is required by the FDA and Cosmetic Act,
By visiting our site, you acknowledge, understand, and agree to Simply Sabuni NYC site terms and regulations.
Patch testing is a method of testing a new skincare product to see if it will work for your skin type. A lot of skin problems are caused by using ingredients that cause sensitivities for your skin. If you have sensitive or allergic skin, it’s always recommended to do a patch test. Even natural ingredients, like herbs, oils, or essential oils can cause sensitivity reactions.
Please note that although patch testing may help to identify a problem ingredient, it is not always a foolproof test. A patch test is not a guarantee against skin sensitization in the future.
How To:
Be sure the area of skin on which you will be performing the test is washed, dry, and clean.
Apply a small amount of product you are testing* on the upper part of your inner arm (at the crook of the elbow).
Cover it with a bandage.
Choose a time of day where you can leave the patch test in place for least 24 hours without getting it wet.
If you are sensitive to any of the ingredients, a reaction such as reddening, burning, itching, or other irritation, should occur within twenty-four hours of application.
If you feel any irritation or reaction, remove the bandage immediately and wash the area with soap and water.
If you don't see or feel any reaction, the preparation is probably safe to use. (See note below under Allergic contact dermatitis.)
Patch testing is a way of identifying a substance that causes contact dermatitis (inflammation of the skin). There are two types of contact dermatitis: irritant contact dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis.
Irritant contact dermatitis: An irritant reaction does not involve the immune system. It is most pronounced immediately after the patch is removed and fades over the next day. Although a substance that causes an irritant reaction may exacerbate skin conditions such as eczema, the reaction will not get worse with repeated exposure to the irritant.
Allergic contact dermatitis: An allergic reaction is due to a substance called an allergen and occurs only in those who are allergic to that particular substance. These reactions involve the immune system. Note: since an allergic reaction may take a few days to develop if you are an allergic-type person it is important to keep an eye on the patch area for a few days after the patch is removed before using the product. A substance that causes an allergic reaction should be avoided completely. The more times the skin is exposed to the substance, the worse the allergic reaction can become.
Some of our soaps have no scent added—you’ll love the earthy smell of natural soap. Many have distinct natural aromas due to honey, grains, flowers, spices, or herbs.
Scented soaps have all-natural plant essential oils added, not synthetic fragrances. Again "all-natural" does not mean "allergy-free." Natural plant essential oils may still cause skin irritation or reactions in certain individuals. If you notice any adverse effects, please discontinue use.
People with severe allergies--please note: If you have severe anaphylactic type reactions to ANY of the ingredients we use please do not buy our products. Our soap shop is kept meticulously clean and all soaps/shampoos are cured in separate containers.
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